Monday, October 12, 2009

Date night

Ever since we started dating, Ryan and I set aside one nite a week that we would designate as our "date night." We've stayed true to it, even now in marriage. We started out on Saturday nights 3 1/2 years ago, and have moved to Monday nights (because it is Ryan's day off:)). We have gotten into the habit of not scheduling anything on the night of our date night. Its the one nite a week that we are guaranteed time together, without any distractions or others:). I always look forward to it! Whether we are going outside to throw a football or baseball, or playing monopoly game, or watching a movie together, no matter what we do, it is always so special and enjoyable because it is with each other.

Date night has been a habit that we have enjoyed each week for as long as we've been together, and I'm so glad we established it that long ago!:) Each week, Ryan either takes me out for dinner or takes care of dinner, so that I don't need to cook. I love it!:) It seems like ever since we got married as well, whenever i come home from work, he surprises me with the house looking amazing, with dishes or laundry done, or beautiful flowers on the table. He surprises me each week. I can't help but wonder why God blessed me with such a wonderful man.

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